
Listen: Treelight Room

genre: indie/folk/pop
grown in kelowna, bc
listen here!


Eat: Ginger Snaps

this is my childhood. in a cookie. brought to you by the ever faithful "Tinkerbell Preschool Cookbook". which is fantastic, except when you leave it at home while visiting your parents. so, these are really brought to you by my adopted auntie, whose kids also went to Tinkerbell Preschool, and also still has the fantastic cookbook. now about these gingersnaps. they are fantastic with lots of ginger. but make sure you put them in a sealed container or they'll get all dry and crunchy instead of crispy and moist. also. as tempting as it is, do not flatten them after rolling the dough balls in sugar, or they won't work. for real.

git some:
3/4 cup of margarine
1 cup brown sugar
1 eggggg
1/4 cup molasses
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves

do this:
1. cream the butter, sugar and eggs
2. add molasses
3. put in dry ingredients
4. make them into balls, roll in white sugar
5. bake at 350ºF for 8-10min


Consider: plurals

is the plural of succulent succuli?


Eat: Creamy Mushroom Tuna Pasta

so, if i post enough recipes, you'll probably start to notice this anyways, but i might as well just come out and say it now. i love tuna. while this was not something i made known in grade school (actually i don't think i even knew that i liked it then), now that i'm a poor college kid it doesn't really matter so much anymore. let me also take this opportunity to point something else out about myself: while i'm too cheap to buy a car, don't a have tv, haven't purchased my required textbooks for the last two semesters, occasionally rip cds from the library, and even during months when i might not be able to make my rent, i will not cheap out on food. ever. so instead of surviving off of white carbs and canned fish, i eat fresh (and when i can, organic) peanut butter, honey, fruits, vegetables, nuts, salmon, yogurt, soy milk, imported cheese, and dark chocolate. to make up for the extra i spend on food, i walk most places i go, watch tv on the elliptical at the gym (food network),  and find most of the literature/articles i'm supposed to read for class on the internet/library. in the end, this concept is double better because i get more exercise, both for my body and mind, and eat better food, and combined, i don't even have to try to live a healthy lifestyle, because i do it without thinking about it.
having said all this, especially the part about not "surviving off of white carbs and canned fish", this is what i made for supper tonight:

please note: i did do the pasta from scratch last week with my boyfriend when we were making vegetarian bruschetta ravioli, so at least it's not processed, but still. i can't remember the last time i made something so... white. in any case, this evening after i finished writing a three hour exam and waiting for/riding the bus all over the freezing East End for another hour, all i wanted was comfort food. so i opened the cupboard (which is mostly bare right now) and there was some tuna and some canned mushroom soup an old lady from church gave me and a fresh head of garlic from the farmer's market. and then i opened the fridge and there was an onion and some fresh herbs and a ball of mozzarella cheese. and then i opened the freezer and there was some fresh pasta. done.
wanna make it?
here's how....
git some:
mushroom soup (please note: this would be way better if you make your own mushroom white sauce. the soup makes it kind of salty)
mozzarella/parmesan cheese
fresh herbs (i used oregano because it was green and in my fridge. parsley would be better)
black pepper
do this:
1. first off, boil the water for the pasta. i always do this first because then it's pretty much ready when ever you're ready to add the pasta (aka, when your sauce is almost done, which is hard to judge, until it's almost done). just bring the water to a boil and then turn it really low or off even, and when you want to add the pasta, turn it to high again and it will come to a boil in like thirty seconds. *don't add salt.
2. now please choose a) or b)
   a) while your water is boiling, melt some butter in a sauce pan and chop up the onion and garlic and throw it in. *don't add salt. when the onion is sizzling, turn down the heat and add the mushroom soup and some milk. around now, you should reboil your water and put the pasta on. when the sauce is smooth...
   b) if you're doing it the right way, get this going in a separate pan before you do anything else: follow this gluten free mushroom soup/sauce recipe (if you don't mind gluten, just use regular flour in the same recipe). *don't add salt. somewhere near the end of this, you should reboil the water and put the pasta on. when the sauce all nice and creamy and thick...
3. add some cheese and then the tuna and the herbs.
4. stir it around a bit.
5. when your pasta is cooked (fresh pasta only takes about five minutes), strain it.
6. top pasta with the sauce, some more cheese, and some black pepper. eat.
*the reason you don't need any salt is that the cheese and the tuna have enough of it them already, and if you add more it will be gross.

also. this looks like a really long recipe, but in reality it took about fifteen minutes. most of the issue here is me rambling. sorry about that. the important stuff is in bold.

Consider: Really Looking

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
- Roald Dahl


Eat: Sweet Potato Apple Soup with Cinnamon and Fresh Ginger

sometimes i just want to eat dessert for supper. then i make this:

git some:
like a litre of water or stock
some sweet potatoes
less regular potatoes
a few carrots
pinch of sea salt
tablespoon vegetable oil
a couple apples
bit of fresh ginger root
dash of cinnamon

do this:
1. boil stock/water
2. peel the potatoes and the carrots and the apples.
3. cube them up into basically same-sized pieces.
4. heat the oil in a sauce pan and add the potatoes and carrots.
5. stir to coat for a bit and then add to the stock/water.
6. cook'em until they're nice and soft, maybe like twenty minutes
7. add the apples and the ginger and the cinnamon right at the fifteen minute mark.
8. let cool. this is important. otherwise your blender will get unhappy.
unless you have a super blender that you can make hot soups in.
then it's probably ok.
9. pour it all in a blender and whiz it around a bit til it's nice and smooth.
10. garnish with apple slices and cinnamon :) eat.

Listen: Dan Mangan

genre: folk/indie
mmm. canadian west coast artist. my favorite.
click here to go to his myspace.

Consider: tentitive philosophy

i wonder if everyone is an artist. do we all have the innate potential to create, express, invent? it seems such a natural thing to me. but also something i fear. every time i go to put pen to page, brush to blank canvas, spice to soup, i hesitate. art is something i force myself to do at times, because it always seems overwhelming, hard, at the moment just before i begin. and still, i do begin. and when i push past and just start, something flows in me and suddenly there is a medium to catch it with as it falls out of my hands and into the world. things that i could not put together, could not slow down enough to understand while they flew around inside me, suddenly come together when i am creating. i find myself.
i wonder if it might be that way for everyone, if they let it. but i think they fear. at just the moment they are about to begin, they hesitate, and maybe can't make the jump. i wonder.

blogs are weird.

if there's one thing that remains a mystery to me, it's blogs. many things confound me.
why do people write them?
why are people so secretly addicted to reading them?
why are they called blogs?
why am i so intimidated by starting one?
mainly the last one is what i wonder the most. but then today when i was updating my facebook with another boring one liner, i was like, ya, this is lame. i hate this shade of blue combined with this shade of white. it suppresses my imagination. why do i put up with it?
so i made this blog instead.